
5 Tips to an Effective Website

Congratulations, you have your own business and now you need to get a presence on the world wide web. After all, a website is available 24/7 and is an excellent way to promote your business.


Before you start building your website (or asking around for a web designer) you really need to think about some basic ideas for what you want this website to do.

What’s it for?

  • To show off my products or services?

Who are my target audience?

  • Young, mature
  • tech-savvy, technophobes
  •  businesses, general public?

Others finding/using my website?

  • To find out more about my business – what information will they need to know?
  • Will they want to buy direct from the website – how might they want to pay?
  • What ways might they want to contact me?

How should it look?

  • Business-like, fun & funky, minimalist, info-overload?
  • Colours, fonts, icons, images?
  • Keep in mind your target audience.

How to keep it up to date?

  • That’s OK, I know some HTML so I can do that myself.
  • Please would a web designer do it for me?
  • Content management system (CMS) would be great.