
Writing content to connect transactional search users

Copywriting Words to Sell

Selling information-based products is thought to be one of the most lucrative ways to generate an online income.  What could be better than having your very own product to sell?  A product that’s free to produce and costs nothing to ship…

However, it takes a lot more than a unique idea and a good product to succeed.  Many top affiliate marketers attribute their successes to their web copywriters.  Top wordsmiths are paid 5 figure sums to develop powerful product descriptions, landing pages and email letters.  There’s a very good reason for this…it’s not easy.

Whether you’re selling a fiction book, a how-to guide or a business report, these items have one thing in common they are not physical products. So, how do you sell information?

Appeal to their emotions

The first rule of copywriting is to appeal to your audience’s emotions.  You can do this through language; for example, use the word home, rather than house.  Here’s a list of information-related emotive words and phrases.

  • Illuminating
  • Enlightening
  • Mind-opening
  • Profound
  • Far-reaching
  • Helpful
  • Wisdom
  • Revealing
  • Life-enhancing
  • Un-censored
  • Little-known
  • Special-report
  • Discover the
  • Unlock the secrets
  • Get the answers
  • Inside-information

Establish yourself as an authority

Here are some useful words to help sell yourself… don’t overdo it.  Remember that people don’t care what you say about yourself. They are more interested in what other people say about you.  Testimonials are non-negotiable.

  • Influential
  • Authoritative
  • Respected
  • Esteemed
  • Prized
  • Loved
  • Revered
  • Recognised
  • Award-winning
  • Highly-regarded
  • Expert advice

Show them they’re getting real value for money.

Inject these words and phrases into your copy to convince your readers that your product is well worth the investment.  Explain beyond all doubt that whatever you’re selling will solve their problems, answer their questions, and enable them to learn a new skill.

  • In-depth
  • Exhaustive
  • Comprehensive
  • Detailed
  • Databank
  • Educational
  • Handbook
  • Guidebook
  • Encyclopaedia
  • Toolbox
  • Blueprint
  • Fact-file
  • Top tips
  • All-inclusive
  • All-encompassing
  • Definitive guide
  • Unlimited access
  • Step-by-step guide
  • Information-packed
  • Everything you ever wanted to know
  • Hundreds of questions answered

Be specific to make your digital product seem tangible

List and quantify everything.  This will make your product seem real and show your audience they’re getting lots in return for their hard-earned cash.

  • 127 questions with expert answers
  • 51 point check-list
  • 201-page guide-book
  • 55 sample template letters
  • Free bonus worth £49.99
  • 17 hours of video tutorials
  • Downloadable certificate
  • A-Z  Glossary
  • 1 year membership to worth £299

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